About us

Tolkku does it creatively!
- Experimental art and works of art
- Media, photography and animation
- Music
- Hobbies
- Event visuals and visuals designing
All projects are art-based.
The Project Tolkku -workshop started as a development project of The European Social Fund (ESF) and City of Seinäjoki Youth Services. The ESF development project ended in March 2022 and since then Tolkku -workshop has been a part of the City of Seinäjoki Youth Services.
Purpose of the Tolkku -workshop is to develop art-based workshop activities for under 30 years youth who were in danger of becoming marginalized and who are in unstable employment situations. The aim of the workshop is to strengthen life skills and functional abilities of young people using art-based, functional methods and to support and promote young people towards inclusion and work life.
The project contents experimental visual arts, works of art, media, theater, animation and music. Projects are led by art professionals and it also has an employment-promoting perspective from the point of view of art freelancers or associations. In addition to this, the project developed a twice a week low character open days activities, Open Tolkku.
In addition to being art-oriented, both activities are combined by activities that support young people's everyday skills, such as exercise, various visits and visits to support services for young people, various good moods, cooking and working life skills. The workshop is focused on strong group and individual coaching as well as plans of young people for the future.